I truly can't believe that Preston has been here for almost 3 months. I really did want to blog about my different universe, but it is so hard to find time to sit down and collect my thoughts while taking care of a newborn and Colin Shaffer. And trying to shower on occasion. And sometimes sleep. Or vacuum. Anyway...
What I HAVE been doing plenty of is posting on Facebook. Just about the only time I can find is the two seconds it takes to post a picture and caption to my wall. I honestly can't even find time to return an email these days, but I have been posting little pictures and notes to my wall in the hopes that family and friends will find that to be update enough on our lives. It is amazing how quickly the days get away from me now! If there is ever a way to print and save Facebook walls from over the years, it would make a great baby book for Preston. I was able to blog so much when Colin was a baby and I was home with him, but it's a different ballpark all together with two kiddos. I am determined to post, however, because I love looking back at Colin's early days and I insist that Preston will have the same thing! You hear me, future self? You will blog! (shakes fist at the sky and realizes that she needs more sleep)
So, there is much to say regarding the new life in our house - far more than I can tackle in a single post or two. I am going to attempt to devote my time over the next few weeks to getting things written down. Our whole world has changed so much!! Preston is the fattest, most adorable little bear cub in the universe. He is a giant rolly polly baby and we are all so in love with him. It is VERY hard to believe that in 11 short weeks, we have gone from this guy:
to THIS guy!
As far as sleep, he woke up every hour to eat for the first 2 months. It was brutal, as it always is. The good news is that right around the 2 month mark, a switch flipped and he started sleeping longer. The switch actually never went off for Colin - it's easy to look back at my old posts and remember how little Colin ever slept. It was a 2 year battle to get Colin to sleep through the night, so to have my 2 month old start showing signs of better sleep was a miracle. As of right now, he is waking up somewhere between 2-3am and then 5-6am. That is HEAVEN to this mama. Colin was 18 months old before that happened. Needless to say, I am thrilled to be getting more sleep. It was one thing to be so exhausted when I had just one baby to take care of, but it's another thing entirely to have two children that need you. There is NO sleeping when the baby sleeps and my Colin needs me. I don't want him to have a mom at half speed! It's wonderful that I am starting to feel more rested. The next step is to move Preston to his own room, but I am
As far as the state of Chalna...I think I am doing pretty good, all things considered. The first two months as a mother of two have already taught me a lot of lessons. Preston is forced to be the laid back baby, that's for sure. He naps where he can, which is frequently in the car, or the grocery store cart, or the swing in my bedroom, or just his car seat where he fell asleep on the way home from some errand or another. Gone are the days of me staying home to accommodate the all-important nap schedule of an infant. Colin has a very elaborate night time routine that requires me to lay down with him to fall asleep. He has been having some extra trouble with his anxiety as of late (which is for another post) and I have learned that it is impossible to be in two places at the same time. I know that should be obvious, but still. ;-) Dad has gotten to be in charge of Preston at bedtime while I take care of Colin, but he is often at work during the bedtime routine. In just the last week, I have managed to put together a crazy plan that allows me to complete Colin's bedtime ritual while taking care of Preston at the same time. It has taken work and patience, but I think my Super Mom cape is still working! My house is a total wreck, but I have decided not to let it bother me. I know there is time enough to clean up once things aren't so chaotic. Preston is definitely a baby that needs to be held basically whenever he is awake, so I have a baby on me most of the time. It doesn't lend to a lot of cleaning and I refuse to be a lunatic about it. Don't even think about looking at my closet right now...just a warning. I am also incredibly FAT at the moment. Nope, I do not exaggerate in the least. I went to the doctor a couple of days ago and I weigh just as much as I did the week after I had Preston. LOVELY. And keeping in mind that I gained 60 lbs this pregnancy...mama is FAT. No other word for it. :-) My body clearly thinks it needs to hang on to every ounce of fat in order to produce enough milk for my giant baby bear. This is another thing that I am forcing myself not to worry about. I won't lie...this one is the hardest to deal with. I can't wear a single thing in my closet with the exception of maternity clothes. I don't even recognize myself when I pass by a mirror. But I am reminding myself that Preston is my last baby and this is the last time that I will be able to spend every free second holding chubby baby goodness. I love breastfeeding him and I am so happy that he is such a great nurser. The only way for me to lose weight is to drop my calorie intake way down and I refuse to have my milk supply affected at the moment. The best I can do is continue to eat healthy food and take Preston for as many walks as I can and deal with being fat and happy. So there! Take that, Gisele! (why OH why couldn't I get just a little bit of the skinny gene?!)
So, there is an update to get the party started. I am getting a bit more sleep, my hair is incredibly thick and healthy (I could seriously be a hair model right now), and I weigh a freaking ton. BUT, I am also getting to spend all my time with the two most beautiful boys in the whole world and they are mine!!! Coming up next, I will write all about the joy that is TWO BROTHERS!!! :-)
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