Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Colin at 23 Months Old and Counting!

It seems to me that Colin is changing by leaps and bounds every single day. Things are happening so fast that I have started a little note pad of things he does so that I can remember them for long enough to write them on the blog. The difference between 18 months and 24 months is so huge! In January, I was nervous that Colin would be a mute. He was still such a baby then. That seems like a fuzzy distant memory now. The past three months in particular have been insanity with how much he has grown in every way! I am going to add a few bullets here for memory's sake.

*Colin talks up a storm now and a lot is understandable. He does not just say words, he has conversations with you and says sentences to me like, "Mom! Put Arf food up!" (Enzo is still "Arf") and "Mom! Dats good juice!". He starts out all sentences with a very emphatic "Mom!" which makes me smile every single time.

*He only calls me "Mom". I have never referred to myself that way, in fact I have always said Mama. Jer calls me Mom and Colin picked that up and has stuck with it. It makes him seem like such a big boy!

*He tells me to "get up" and "watch shows". I will lay in bed with him for a few minutes in the morning as he wakes up and when he is ready, he leans all the way into my face and says, "Mom, GET UP, peas!" At night if I try to put him to bed too early, he will run back to the couch, turn on the TV, and announce, "Mom! Dad! Watch shows!".

*Starting last weekend, he covers his face when any stranger says hello to him and announces, "No, no! I SHY!". This is crazy adorable and I am going to try to get it on film. When he meets new people, he always tucks his head and acts bashful and I would sometimes say that he is acting shy. He picked it up, obviously, and now makes a huge production out of it. I have pointed out to him that announcing you are shy means that you are not, in all actuality, shy.

*He now walks backwards around the house. Last night he grabbed my hand and said, "hey mom! backwards!" and made me do it with him. I have no idea where this one came from, but it is pretty adorable.

*He yells, "READY, SET GO!!" and takes off running. He starts running when he says set....which cracks me up. I also don't know where he picked this up...probably one of his shows.

*He finally said "Mert"!! My sister was thrilled beyond belief when he said it over the weekend. He now walks around the house pointing her out by name in pictures. It kind of takes the fun out of our ongoing family joke with Meredith. ;-)

There are more, but I will end this post for the time being. I leave you with a video from dinner tonight. I made corn on the cob and cut Colin's off for him. He was not pleased about that and grabbed my ear off the plate. I did not think for a second that he would eat it off the cob, but just watch and see. He just gets more adorable by the day.


elegraph said...

Wow, Colin is just adorable, and it sounds like he is doing so much! We don't have babies anymore, that's for sure...

Matthew walks backwards too... and he got it from the movie "Cars" (from Mater driving backwards). Between that and walking with a blanket over his face, I'm surprised he hasn't concussed himself!

Keisha (from iV)

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