Sometimes I hesitate to blog when there is literally nothing going on. I wonder if anyone wants to read the ramblings of my uneventful days, but then I figure that I am really writing this as a journal for me to look back on more than anything else. I am so bad about keeping a journal or scrapbook, so this is it for me. I know it will be fun to read about the mundane things that Colin and I did together when he was a baby, so I am going to keep it up. So I apologize in advance for how boring this must seem to readers. :-)
Colin went to the
pedi today to check on his itchy red eye. They gave him a prescription for a topical cream which I am praying knocks this out. The doctor was pretty confounded by the whole thing. He said if the eye is not 100% by Monday, he wants to see him again for a referral to an
eye doctor. I really hope this helps!! By the way, during said trip to the
pedi, I came very close to doing bodily harm to one of the receptionists. Colin and I were running late...he had barely woken up from his nap in time to make the appointment and as usual I was running around like a lunatic to be on time. I am so worn out from Colin's sleeping issues this week, so imagine a woman who is at the end of a very thin rope, if you catch my drift! :-) We blow into the office with 5 minutes to spare (I was proud!) and I check in while blotting at the thin line of
perspiration that was beading on my brow. WHEW! We made it! Or so I thought. This girl looks at me and says,
"Ma'am...we have a new policy that I see you need to know about. If you
arrive 5 minutes or more past your appointment time, you will be forced to
reschedule and come back at another time."
I kid you not. Word for word, that is what she said. I look at her with all the
surprise that I feel and say, "Are you serious?" To which she says, "Yes, and you were cutting it pretty close today, so I needed to let you know." No words, people. No words.
A random rant to end my day...I am having the hardest time attending any of the events in my new mommy group. They have tons of activities that sound like such fun, but all of them happen when Colin is napping! Colin naps every morning starting at around 10 or 11 and then again in the afternoon at around 3:30 or 4. So if anything falls around lunch time or in the morning hours, we can't make it on time! And not a lot happens at around 1 or 2, which would work for us. It sucks because I really want to get out more, but I know better than to mess with naps. I think Colin may have to be a bit older before we get really involved. I know he will cut out that second nap eventually, so hopefully that will help.
Anyway, night night! :-)