Friday, March 28, 2008

Mommy Lunch!

I made it to my first mom's club meeting today!! We had lunch at Central Market on the was a beautiful day for it and we had a great time. It was a small group, only 5 moms were there including me. There are about 70 members total in this group, but there are at least two activities every day around our area, so you can pick and choose the events you can make. The women I met today were all very nice and their kiddos were cute! I am so happy...I was really nervous beforehand, but it turned out to be a nice experience.

Colin is hitting the age where he hates to be confined. Gone are the days of him sleeping peacefully in his little carrier while the grown-ups eat. He is into everything and does not want to stay in his stroller. I spent the whole lunch with Colin in my lap while he grabbed at every bite I was taking and everything that was on or around the table. It definitely makes it hard to eat! :-)

Another thing that I also noticed today...Colin is a lot bigger than most of the babies his age! There were two boys there today who were within a month of Colin's age and they were a lot smaller. In fact, when I first met the group, I assumed the babies were in the 3-5 month age range. Nope...they were 7-8 months old! We have a history of big babies in my family, and it looks like I came through on that one. My sisters were seriously the biggest babies you have ever seen! They were so freaking cute...we called them "sumo babies". It looks like I am following in the family tradition with my little man!


Anonymous said...

Ya just had to bring up the 'sumo babies'!! ;)

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