Saturday, September 27, 2008

Saturday Updates!

Today was an interesting day...Colin woke up screaming just before 5:00am this morning and was up for the day. He has been grabbing the sides of his head above his jaw line and around his ears for two days...I think this time it is for sure molars. He walks around crying and banging his hands on the sides of his head! YIKES!! Thankfully he has been to the doctor twice in the last week, so I know his ears are fine. He has not broken any new teeth in the last couple of months and I think teething is back in full swing. Poor baby!

In good news, his diarrhea is finally starting to ease up!! Thank GOODNESS!! He is not back to normal quite yet, but it is much improved. I know that everyone will be happy to stop reading about poop for a while. ;-) We took Colin to lunch at a new mexican place that opened close by and it was fantastic! I am always so happy when yummy locally owned places show up in the suburbs. The main thing I miss about living in downtown Dallas is the food. Oh, the food. Jer and I are complete and utter foodies and nothing brings us more joy than finding a great place to eat! Colin ate my entire plate of rice and beans, a flour tortilla and my guacamole. That was the most he has eaten in over a week, so I was thrilled to see his appetite back in full force. We also managed to fit in a trip to Sam's today, but other than that...totally lazy day. We caught up on our DVR shows and both took a nap when Colin went down this afternoon. Getting up before 5:00 am this morning reminded me how thankful I am that Colin sleeps through the night now. I have been worn out all day!

Shannon posted recently about the classes for toddlers that she found through her city and I have started researching that this week. I have found a couple of options that Colin can attend now that I am looking into and several that will be great when Colin is 18 months old. I can't wait for those! I am trying to line up some fun stuff for us to do together this fall that won't be expensive. Colin is getting progressively more bored being stuck in our living room, so I hope to find some fun activities soon. Oh, and I am also getting geared up to take Colin to the pumpkin patch...I can't wait for that!! :-)


Anonymous said...

Glad Colin is finally getting back to his old self!

I also looked up activities through our city after Shannon mentioned it and found some great options! Although, none were on weekends so we have to wait until summer. I found a Mommy and Me tap and ballet class for 2-3 year KNOW we will be first on the list for that one!!

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