Thursday, August 28, 2008

Doctors and Bedtime Changes

You will all be proud to know that I made it through my visit with Dr. White today without crying. I am obviously a pillar of strength. Both of the nurses that I loved so much were there and since I brought pictures of Colin, I got to show him off to everyone. Dr. White was his usual wonderful self. He walked into the exam room and exclaimed that I looked fantastic and had lost weight. That is complete hogwash...I most certainly have not lost weight, but rather than point this out, I did my best "aw shucks" expression and then stuck my pictures of Colin under his nose and said, "LOOK!!! I BROUGHT PICTURES!". Yes, being this big of a dork is hard work. He looked through all my pictures, declared Colin beautiful, pointed out his dimples (this kid is going to get whatever he wants with those dimples. I think I should be worried) and asked if I was ready for round two. I told him I needed just a bit more time. :-) It was great to see him and the exam went well. Apparently I am the picture of health. Thank goodness!

There has been a major change in the world of Colin and to be honest, I am both elated and sad about it at the same time. In what can best be described as flipping a switch, Colin has stopped letting me rock him to sleep. I have always put Colin to sleep using motion...either walking around holding him while singing to him, or rocking him. He would always cry if I put him in the crib awake, so I would just rock him to sleep first. About a month ago, he started changing slightly. He would let me rock him for several minutes with his head down on my shoulder but then as I laid him in his crib, I would notice he was still awake. He did not cry, so I would just leave him in the crib awake and he started putting himself to sleep the rest of the way. I was so pleased with this change and happy that he had started this on his own rather than me forcing him into it. So great! Well, about a week ago, he snapped! He will not let me rock him at all! This includes naps and bedtime! We go into his room after our routine and I sit in the chair with him and sing to him while he drinks his bottle, which is still the same as always. But after the bottle is done, so is Colin! He kicks his legs out and pushes against me with all his toddler might! So, I just get up and deposit him into his bed where he rolls over onto his blankets and snuggles down all by himself. What just happened here?!? I have been waiting for him to snap out of it and want to be rocked again, but I decided tonight that it is pretty much officially done. My little man goes to sleep all by himself now. He snuggles with "Peanut" and "Bear Bear" and his blanket and just goes to sleep on his own. He can't be bothered with being rocked by Mama anymore. I know this is a good thing, but I sure did love rocking him. Tomorrow he is going to be driving and bringing home some girl that I already don't like. :-)


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