Saturday, September 20, 2008

Poop Update

Colin is still really sick. I stopped counting acid poop filled diapers after I got to ten and there were more after that. His stomach is a complete mess, his naps were impossible, and he starts to cry every few minutes. I hate that he feels like this and there is nothing I can do about it!! He just went to bed and I pray that tomorrow will be the day that he feels better. He is still drinking his Pedialite and I am watching him like a hawk for signs of dehydration. He has been running a slight fever all day, but nothing to panic about. (I keep chanting that in my head) I had no idea that gastroenteritis could be this horrible. At least he is not vomiting. I am thankful for that!!!

So now I am seeking advice...Colin has been on clear liquids for more than 24 hours now and his diarrhea is no better at all. I was told by the pedi to totally avoid dairy while he has this bug, but he is sure missing his milk bottles!! Would any of you try soy milk instead? Colin loves soy milk, but I am wondering if I should avoid that, too. Do you think that it would also be rough on his tummy since it is still protein? I would love to let him have a bottle in the morning that is something other than Pedialite, but lord knows I don't want to make things worse. Have any of my mommy friends been through this one? What do you think?


Shannon said...

In my house, anytime the twins have a fever I cut out the milk because it always makes them sick to their stomachs (the higher heat internally curdles -- is that how you spell it? -- the milk)...even if it's not a high fever. Just something to keep in mind. (We figured that out once when Kate started throwing up "cottage cheese" after drinking a bottle.)

Once all of this passes, I would really consider putting him on either soy or lactose-free milk.

Poor little guy. There is nothing worse that a sick and miserable baby. I hope his heiny improves soon!

Anonymous said...

Did today go any better than yesterday? I hope so!

I am not sure about the soy milk...I would imagine it would be hard on his tummy since he is sick. I have also read a few things about how soy protein in large amounts is not good for babies, but it is hard to say how reliable those reports are. But you might want to do some checking if you are planning on switching over.

Hope you guys had a better day today!

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