Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Zoo Trip

Happy Easter! At this moment, it is 10:15 in the morning and we are having a VERY rainy day. The storms moved in last night and it has been raining ever since. We are heading over to Jer's parents house this afternoon for Easter dinner and what I am sure will be an indoor egg hunt. I was hoping for some adorable outdoor shots of Colin today, but that is not in the cards. :-) I am sure I will have some cute pictures to post tonight regardless. I am a Colin photo-holic. I should probably seek help!

We went to the zoo yesterday morning as planned and thank goodness we went first thing! As we were leaving at around 12:30, there were police directing traffic and the first two parking lots were full! It was total chaos. I knew that was going to happen since the weather was beautiful, but scheduled to be yucky today. We were all glad that we avoided the huge crowds by going in the morning. Colin had a great time running around the zoo like a mad man and we had fun chasing after him. We also just happened to run into one of my best friends from high school, Kelly. I was so excited to see her and her little boy, who is just about 6 months younger than Colin. They actually live close to us and we exchanged phone numbers and will hopefully have a play date soon. The only unfortunate part of the trip was that Colin fell asleep in the car on the way home, which you all know ruined any chance of a real nap. After chasing Colin around a huge park, Jer and I would have loved a nap ourselves, but that was not to be. :-) Here are a few shots from the day:

Colin and Daddy watching the gorillas. Colin loves nothing more than to be on Jer's shoulders these days. Jer's back is killing him today from doing this all around the park. Oops!

I think my boys look absolutely adorable in this picture. Colin thought the flamingos were awesome, mainly because they were so close.

Colin trying to climb into the giraffe exhibit. He would have made it if I had not grabbed him. ;-)

Colin and Mama getting ready for the carousel. It should be noted that he was NOT a fan. He was ready for a nap at this point and he did not enjoy the ride!


Anonymous said...

That IS a cute picture of your two guys. We have been meaning to take Gabby to the zoo for ages but never seem to get around to it. What a coincidence to bump into a friend! I love it when stuff like that happens.

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