Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Losing my mind and other assorted stories...

This morning started out horribly. I got myself and Colin to his doctor's appointment bright and early at a few minutes before 8:00am. After I had been sitting there for around 10 minutes waiting, I get called up front. Apparently, today is not April 16th after all. That's right, folks...I thought today was April 16th and went to our appointment on the WRONG DAY. Lovely. I mean, I knew I was tired, but I did not know I had lost sanity completely. I have been a day off for some time. I planned my trip home from yesterday so that I could attend the appointment on the wrong day. I felt like such an idiot and the 18 year old at the front desk was not helping matters at all. She looked at me like I had two heads. I would now like to point out how very annoying it was that it took them 10 minutes to realize that I was there on the wrong day...but I digress. Later on today, I got the usual phone call reminding me to be there tomorrow. I laughed at the girl calling and told her that, yes...I was aware. ;-)

This brings me to another problem with the pediatrician. (Don't forget the last appointment when they almost kicked me out of the building for being on time instead of early!) When the girl called to remind me of the appointment, she asked me to arrive at 7:45 in the morning. That would be 30 minutes prior to Colin's appointment. Now, it has bothered me for awhile that every time we schedule, we are told to be there 15 minutes early. They say it over and over again and they remind you when they call. "Colin's appointment is at 2:30, but you must arrive at 2:15." That kind of thing. I have never heard this before, but figured oh well...I have never had a baby before either. It must have something to do with the pedi's office. Well, cut to today. Why on earth should I now be there 30 minutes early?!? The twit that called me said something about extra paperwork with Colin's updated insurance. She can't take care of that when I arrive at 8:00?? What on earth!? I also have a new insurance card and when I went to my doctor last week (arriving at the actual appointment time! oh my!) it took them 30 seconds to make a copy. My child's clinic is making me feel like I am in elementary school! I am thinking seriously about changing practices, but it is so hard to start over!! Colin has been seen by them since the day he was born and it seems like a nightmare to move practices, but this just may be the last straw. I am going to say something tomorrow and see what happens. It just should not be this hard to go see the doctor! UGH!

The day did perk up, however. I met my mothers group for lunch and then we all played with the babies under some shade trees in a nearby park. It was so nice!! The weather was great and all the moms were so sweet. Colin seems to really like interacting with the other kiddos. It was so nice to be out in the sun and hanging out with other moms. It feels good to vent to people who really know exactly what you are going through at this exact moment! I am really happy that things are turning out good with that!!


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