Thursday, May 8, 2008

A New Day!

Colin must have felt all the sleepy vibes everyone has been sending us because he slept through the night for literally the very first time last night. He woke up once at 2:30 briefly and put himself back to sleep. He woke up for the day at 6:20. I know this is because he was exhausted after this week of being sick and not sleeping at all. He is in good spirits this morning and I, of course, feel like a new woman after getting an actual night of sleep. When he wakes up from his nap we are going to make a trip to Barnes and Noble to purchase the books that my friends suggested. It is time to get some real help for Colin...I know he needs more sleep than he is getting and it is my job to figure out how to make that happen. I have read the Dr. Sears Baby Sleep book (it was a shower gift), but it does not offer any real help for babies that have serious trouble sleeping. I love the ideas behind the attachment parenting that the Sears family promotes and fall in step with a lot of their practices. However, they have not helped much when it comes to sleep. They advocate responding to your child when he cries, but they don't offer much help for the baby that will not put himself back to sleep. So I am getting ready to try the methods that worked for Dana and Melanie and see what happens. Since both of them have happy babies who sleep, I am getting on board!! :-)

Now I have a question for my wonderful mommy friends...did any of you start letting your babies drink milk before the one year mark? I know that after a year Colin will transition to whole milk (I can't wait!), but I am thinking that maybe since he is about to be 10 months old, he should start trying some in a sippy cup every now and then. Right now he drinks water in his sippy cup when we eat...should I give him some milk then? I was wondering if you started to get them used to the taste early or if you held off....


Anonymous said...

Personally, I would wait until he hits 11 months old, and then start by offering him half cow's milk mixed with half formula once a day (but not for his bedtime bottle). This might be especially good for Colin since he has had some allergy issues in the past. The last thing you need is a kid with dairy issues. So no need to rush.

The process of half & half for a month worked great for Kate & Carson, and then I picked a day (Easter) and completely switched to 100% cow's milk. We had no trouble, and mine have a nice long history of food issues and pickiness. I was prepared for a battle, but amazingly it went perfectly.

Anyway, I wouldn't rush it. It can only do more harm than good. (Is he still on soy formula?)

Anonymous said...

Oh, and YAY for Colin sleeping through the night!

Anonymous said...

I am a nerdy-rule follower, so no, I held off on cow's milk until THE DAY Gabby turned one. At around 9 or 10 months, we got rid of bottles for lunch, snacks, and dinner (still had bottles with breakfast and bedtime), and we used sippies with formula. And during the day, she usually has a sippy with water to hang onto that she can drink from anytime.

For her first real milk experience, she took one gulp...yanked the bottle out of her mouth, stared at it, popped it back in, and never looked back. I was expecting a harder transition but it was totally fine.

Anonymous said...

Hunter not so much. I tried milk the other day because I was out of formula and she looked at me as though I had completely lost my mine! Maybe I will try the 1/2 and 1/2.

Chalna said...

Thank ya'll! I am going to wait for another couple of months and then probably give it a try. Colin is still on soy formula, but the pedi seems to think that he is not lactose intolerant, but digests the soy proteins easier in the formula. He eats yogurt every morning, so I assume that is the case. We shall see.

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