Saturday, September 6, 2008


Things are quiet around here this weekend. Jer is back in training for a new jet, which is awesome. He is in class almost every day for the next few weeks, so today felt like a week day for me since Jer was not home with us. I got bad news this cholesterol screening results came back from my ob visit last week and they are literally horrible. They were bad enough to get a call directly from my doctor, which you know is always a bad sign. I am not going to share my numbers with all of the Internet, but suffice it to say that I am a ticking time bomb. This is not exactly news; my father has always battled major problems with cholesterol and turned into a health freak about 25 years ago because of it. Even with his flawless lifestyle (and I mean flawless), he still has to take medicine. My numbers have never been great, but they are really bad this time. It looks like I am going to be forced into medication and I have an appointment with our family doctor next week to work out a plan. I am not pleased about this...I don't want to be on medication that you can't take when pregnant. Even though we are not planning to get pregnant for a while yet, it still makes me terribly nervous. I am sure that my doctor will have a plan that will work for me. I am obviously going to be forced to step it up on the elliptical and start cooking a heck of a lot more out of my "Cooking Light" recipes instead of the Paula Deen cookbook. HA! :-) In all honesty, I don't want to be careless with my health one single bit now that I am a mother. To have such horrible numbers this young means that I need to make changes now. I have a lot of years to take care of my little man.

Colin has been in a very different mood as of late. For the past week he has wanted to be rocked again at night. It came out of left field and I am not sure of the reason. I thought it was a fluke, but he has been like this all week, at naps and bedtime both. He has turned into a little cuddle bear, not only wanting to be held before bed, but also when he wakes up and randomly during the day. This morning he laid in my arms with his head on my shoulder for a good 10 minutes before he would allow me to put him down. This is very different for Colin...he usually hits the ground running. I (of course!) love to hold him and am enjoying the heck out of all this new lovey time with Mama. He is still as happy as ever, so maybe he is just going through a "Mommy" phase. It is so much fun watching him pass through all these different stages. Just when I think I have him figured out, he throws me for a loop! :-)


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your cholesterol!

I'll send plenty of Cooking Light recipes your's my favorite!

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