Saturday, June 27, 2009

Saturday Stuff

I am swamped. How is the 4th of July NEXT WEEKEND?? In a matter of what feels like moments, the summer is well under way and Colin's birthday is coming up. I am trying very hard to decide what to do for his party and the time has come to make a decision and pronto! We are still debating having a party or taking just the family out to a water park. I go back and forth every hour on the subject. Jer is of the more practical nature and thinks that at this age, Colin would have more fun just doing something extra special with us. I tend to agree and Jer and I have some fun options we are thinking about. We shall see...but I am running out of time to decide!

Colin is napping and I have a million things I need to be doing, so I will end this post for now and try to write more later tonight. I have been working on a digital scrapbook for Colin and going through all of his pictures from the last two years has made me very nostalgic. He is growing up so fast!! I am trying to get caught up on his scrap book before he hits his second birthday so that I will be back on top of things and making the pages in real time this year! Just another thing to add to my to do list. I will leave you with a video of Colin at the pool yesterday. I took this with our point and shoot camera, so the quality is bad and I warn you in advance to turn your volume down. I yell to Colin and it is very loud and very annoying. ;-) I decided to post it regardless because Colin is showing off his extreme jumping for his loyal fans at the pool. This kid loves nothing more than a) water and b) attention. ;-)


PBMelibelle said...

OMG I want my own personal cheering section!! :) that's so cute! I didn't read your post first I just hit play and it was up loud and Olivia was all turning her head like WHAT IS THAT!! it was funny!! :)

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