Thursday, January 24, 2008

Another day, another change

Well, today was going the way of yesterday....gloomy outside, gloomy inside. Colin was bored to death and really fussy, so we finally decided to pack up and do something. I boxed up all of my previously read books (before I had Colin, I read at least one full novel a week, sometimes more, so this was a LOT) and bundled Colin and the husband up for a trip to Half Price Books. We traded in all my old books and spent the next hour or so picking out lots of new books and videos for Colin. Colin was thrilled to be somewhere other than our living room and he honestly looked excited when I showed him the different books they had. Then we went next door to Pei Wei and had one of my favorite meals while Colin flirted with everyone around us. I swear that baby knows that his dimples make people want to eat him up...he shows them to EVERYONE! ;-) Our little trip definitely helped with the blahs and we all felt better when we got home.

It was dinner time for Colin when we got home and he was famished! He ate THREE tubs of food: carrots, green beans, and pears. He even ate the last few bites of the bananas from this morning! That was the most he has eaten at one sitting by far! Afterwards, I knew he had to be thirsty, but he was not interested in a bottle at all after all that food. I thought, what the hell, and put a little bit of water in a sippy cup that my nephew left at my house. And my little baby tilted his head back and drank the whole thing! The first few sips dribbled out of his mouth, but he quickly got the hang of it and slurped his water right up! I can't believe it....I swear he was a tiny little 8lb squirt just days ago and now he is drinking out of a sippy cup before my very eyes. Another day, another change...they grow up too fast! And now I sound like my mother!! :-)


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