Monday, January 21, 2008

Too Much Love

(Colin is finally asleep, so I will try this again!)

As a mother, I find myself getting all kinds of advice and anecdotes from just about everyone that I encounter. This is not a big deal to me at all...I appreciate it and know that everyone is just trying to help. Generally, they mean well. However, there is one little bit of advice that makes me furious. Very recently, I was in the middle of a conversation with someone when Colin started to cry. I immediately picked Colin up, while continuing the conversation. Colin stopped crying and smiled at the other person. Her response to me?
"Hmmm....looks like someone gets held too much! Do you ever put him down?!"


I am still bothered by this days later, as I have heard variations on that comment before. Usually it comes from women in my parents generation, but this came from a friend my age! I looked her square in the eye and said, "If the worst thing I ever do is love my son too much, I think I am doing a pretty damn good job." What a bunch of idiots. The woman who took care of Colin when I was working told me the same thing once...that the reason Colin liked to be held so much was my fault and I should try to "stop". I almost threw something at her.

The bottom line is that I really and truly do not care if I am teaching Colin to enjoy being loved on and spoiled by lots of hugs and kisses. He spends plenty of time playing with his toys and doing things on his own, believe me! I come from a very loving and touchy feely kind of family. My childhood was so full of love and I will continue that tradition with Colin. I have people that I am very close to who grew up in much colder, more hands off environments, and trust affects the way we love as adults. So Colin, you can crawl in my lap anytime you want!! :-)


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