Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My First Meme!

I was tagged by my wonderful friend Shannon to do my first meme! Here goes!

The rules are:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules here
3. Share 7 random or weird facts about yourself
4. Tag 7 random people at the end of the post, linking to them.
5. Leave a comment on their blog so that they know they have been tagged.

* I lived in Los Angeles, CA for about 8 months in 2001. I was working my butt off to become the next big thing in Aircraft Charter Sales and I thought moving to the mecca of the rich and famous would really pay off. The experience was invaluable, but I absolutely DETESTED Los Angeles. I hated literally everything about it and was the most miserable that I have ever been. It worked career wise, however. Afterwards, I landed my dream job based out of NYC.

* I am addicted to People Magazine and US Weekly. This is so embarrassing to admit. :-) I subscribe to both and they are delivered on Fridays. The highlight of my work week used to be coming home on Friday afternoon after a brutal week at work and curling up with some wine and my two favorite trash magazines.

* I love love love to read period novels that take place in Europe more than any other book. It does not matter if it is wonderful literature (Pride and Prejudice) or complete and utter trashy romance (insert any novel found in the grocery store), if it took place prior to 1800 in England, I am all about it. "The Other Boleyn Girl" is my current favorite that I am trying to find time to read.

* I hate almost anything considered "crafty" or fun to women. I think scrap booking is just about the most boring thing you can do in the entire world. I also hate the game "Bunko" and almost any activity connected to "women's groups" at large. I know...I am no fun. I just wish that getting together with a large group of girlfriends could involve drinks, food, and maybe a football game every now and then. Why do we have to play Bunko?!?! ;-)

* I cannot stand what I will call "mouth sounds". This is easily my biggest pet peeve. I cannot abide the sound of chewing at all. In fact, my crazy husband actually thought it was funny to buy a bag of CORN NUTS and eat them in my hospital room when I had Colin. He is very lucky to still be alive. ;-)

* I will never ever ever get on a set of water skis ever again. I had a really bad experience at the lake when I was in middle school and I will not ever try it again. Don't even attempt to convince me because it simply will not happen. The only thing I will do on the lake is the tube, and frankly that scares me, too...but it keeps me from looking like a total dork if I at least do that.

* I am really really really bad about answering my cell phone. I think this stems from having to be on the phone 100% of the time when I was at work. Once I get home, I totally ignore my cell phone and generally don't even know where it is. This results in lots of missed calls and voicemails. Even now that I am not working, I have not broken the habit and suck at answering my phone. I am lucky that I still have the friends that I do! ;-)

Now, I tag Melissa . I realize this is only one person, but I don't have many blog friends yet! I need to stop lurking! :-)


Anonymous said...

My Uncle Fred got a Meme in his early 50's. He ignored it; his rationale was that if it came on it's own, it would go away on it's own. Six months later he was gone. Meme screenings save lives!!!

Chalna said...

Thank you to my wonderful husband for the comment. ;-)

Anonymous said...

You read such garbage! For shame! :) One of my guilty secrets is that I like looking at and "Rate My Space" on in my spare time. Or that if the twins are having time going down for a nap I pull up "Driving Miss Daisy" on HBO On Demand it works every time!

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