Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Smartest Little Boy Ever

I have been amazed lately at how many things Colin understands. It is starting to blow me away. It all started with the "let's go change your poopy" moment that I wrote about not too long ago. Now he knows "change your diaper" and goes right to his room. He knows "breakfast", "lunch" and "dinner". When I say any of those words, he shrieks with delight and takes off running for his high chair. It never ceases to be adorable. He also knows "snack time" and runs to his little table where I sit his snacks. This is obviously my child...he learned all food related things first. :-) He knows "nap nap time" and "night night time" and will go stand at the gate to go back to his room. If I ask where Mama's tummy is, he will walk up to me, raise my shirt, and poke me in the belly! Today we were all playing in the living room and I was looking around for his sippie cup. I said out loud, "Colin, where is your water?" and he took off for the kitchen and came back with his water!!!!!! I almost passed out. I have never asked him that before, but obviously he has been paying attention to what I call his sippie cup. When he brought me that cup, it really hit me that he understands a lot more than I had realized. Colin is a solid babbler...he makes a lot of noises and "talks" all the time, but it is all babble and I have not picked out any words besides Mama, Dada and "no", which I think is what he has decided to call Enzo. I can see that being able to say words has nothing at all to do with understanding them! He is like a sponge these days! He seems to soak up everything I say to him. He has started to sit in my lap constantly. He will walk over to me and side step over my lap to sit down. I love it so much! He also finally started to bring me his books to read to him. He has always ignored my attempts to read, so this change is especially wonderful! He always brings me one of two books, even though there are tons of them in his toy bin. "Ten Tiny Tickles" and his cloth Sesame Street book are the two favorites at the moment.

Hurricane Ike slammed through Texas today (I say this for history's sake...I realize everyone alive on the planet watched the last 24 hours of continuous news footage) and has done a lot of damage to our coast. We were lucky in Dallas and avoided the storm almost completely as it headed towards East Texas directly. My parents and sisters are without power tonight, but they are all just fine and are blessed to have no damage. Needless to say, with weather being a nightmare, we stayed indoors all day and watched the news while playing with Colin. As dinner time approached, we decided that we all needed to get out of the house and headed over to Jersey Mike's. We stopped at McDonald's for a special chicken nugget treat for the little man first. So picture the family at Jersey Mike's, sitting in our booth with Colin in a high chair at the foot of the table, eating nuggets and fries. They had music playing and Queen's song, "Another One Bites the Dust" comes on. Well, let's just say that Colin appreciates some Queen. This kid starts bouncing up and down exactly with the beat "dum dum dum...another one bites the dust...dum dum dum" . EXACTLY to the beat. Grinning from ear to ear. Pumping his arms, both hands holding french fries, laughing, dancing to Queen. It was right up there with the cutest all time Colin moments. Jer and I were rolling. I think I better get over to I-Tunes and start downloading. :-)


Shannon said...

Even though he is 5 months younger than the twins, he is right on track with them! -- the dancing, music, books, commands, etc.

The Murrays said...

It is crazy when you realize just how much they understand, isn't it? At Schafer's last doctor's visit, our ped informed us that by 15 months most babies understand over 90% of what we are saying. I was floored by that! And I love the visual of Colin dancing in the restaurant...Schafer broke it down for some people while we were out the other night. Who needs TV or anything else when we have built in entertainment? Glad you weren't affected TOO much by Ike.

Anonymous said...

Wish I could have witnessed the restaurant boogie. Sounds so cute! And yes, you DO have the smartest little boy ever!

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